10 Things Seniors Over 65 Should Have on Their Bucket List
While the term dates back to possibly the Middle Ages, the idea of creating a bucket list became popular when a movie called The Bucket List debuted in 2007. When offering effective and high-quality elderly care, North Coast caregivers often recommend family members help create a bucket list for their loved ones, which should include a range of healthy and fun activities. Here are a few ideas you can consider for your senior loved one’s bucket list.
1. Cook the Perfect Food
Suggest your loved one to pick one food and learn to cook it to perfection. It can even be something as simple as a grilled cheese sandwich or something as tricky as brisket on the grill.
2. Visit Someplace New
Most people plan vacations to travel to a far away destination, forgetting the treasures near their home. Encourage your loved one to pick a nearby vacation spot and visit it soon.
3. Learn Something New
Many seniors have a hidden desire to try something they have never tried before. Some want to paint a masterpiece or play an instrument for the first time, while others may enjoy learning a new language.
4. Reconnect with an Old Friend
Seniors may lose contact with their friends with the passage of time. Encourage your aging loved one to think of someone he or she would like to reconnect with and look for that person. The magic of social media often makes it easy.
5. Read a Book
There are over 129 million books in the world. Advise your loved one to read a book.
6. Have a Deep Conversation
Seniors have so much to share if people will take the time to listen. Your parent or grandparent should find someone who wants to hear his or her wisdom. Family and professional caregivers in North Coast can learn a lot from a senior’s experience.
7. Write a Letter
Many times people send emails or text or call each other. Encourage your loved one to think of one person his or she is proud of and write a letter to that person. The letter could state the reason why your loved one is proud of the person.
8. Share a Recipe
Some seniors have an aptitude for cooking but do not have recipes. Encourage your loved one to write down his or her favourite recipes. The family caregiver can then put these recipes in a book for everyone to share.
9. Share a Hobby with Someone
Many seniors have a favourite hobby or pastime, which can be anything from fishing to woodworking. Discuss your loved one’s hobbies and help him or her connect with other people who share the same hobby.
10. Focus on Healthy Habits
Some aging adults pass away before their time. While there are no guarantees in life, your loved one may be able to prolong his or her health by taking medications on time, eating well, and exercising regularly. Advise your loved one to get a complete physical screening done as well.
When helping your loved one prepare a bucket list, make sure to keep his or her physical and mental limitations in mind. Some of the above activities may require a professional caregiver’s assistance. For reputed and reliable hourly and live-in care, North Coast families can contact Home Care Assistance at (02) 6646 3527. We provide comprehensive care plans and trusted caregivers to boost senior health and wellbeing, which can help them pursue their bucket list activities.