Tag: aged care
Seniors today are enjoying greater longevity and far higher life qualities than their predecessors. Understanding why this is true can help caregivers and medical professionals achieve further advancements...
6 Simple Ways to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes
Millions of people develop diabetes each year, including seniors. In fact, more seniors live with this health condition than other age groups. However, a few lifestyle changes can help your elderly...
10 Things Seniors Over 65 Should Have on Their Bucket List
While the term dates back to possibly the Middle Ages, the idea of creating a bucket list became popular when a movie called The Bucket List debuted in 2007. When offering effective and high-quality elderly...
4 Senior-Friendly Walking Trails in North Coast, NSW
North Coast at-home care professionals believe getting plenty of exercise can help increase an ageing person’s health. One of the simplest, least strenuous ways a senior can engage in regular physical...
5 Reasons Ageing Adults Should Spend Time with Their Grandchildren
Many seniors enjoy spending time with their grandkids. Watching your parents play with your children is like watching them turn into kids again. Here are a few reasons your ageing loved one should...
5 Awesome Exercises Family Carers Should Try
For many family carers, their busy schedules don’t leave much time for trips to the gym. Even when time is scarce, you should try to fit in a few minutes of activity each day. When you maintain good...
Why Ageing Adults Should Go Hiking
Exercise is important during the senior years, but it is sometimes challenging to get older adults interested in working out when they are bored with their normal routines. Today, many older adults...
6 Ideal Activities for Ageing Adults with Mobility Limitations
Reduced mobility doesn’t negate a senior’s need to take up fun, purposeful, and stimulating hobbies or tasks that can boost quality of life and lower the risk of depression. Below are some excellent...
4 Fun Brain-Boosting Activities for Seniors
The best way for seniors to avoid cognitive decline is to stay mentally engaged. As senior care experts suggest that the best cognitive exercises should also be enjoyable for seniors, helping your...